
标题: ROMAN HEROLD在欧洲扑克巡回赛柏林站赛事最终17人中领跑 [打印本页]

作者: jinshuseze    时间: 2015-5-28 15:42
标题: ROMAN HEROLD在欧洲扑克巡回赛柏林站赛事最终17人中领跑
欧洲扑克巡回赛柏林站第五个比赛日中,55位牌手下降到17名,德国牌手ROMAN HEROLD以4485000的筹码数量领跑。他是在当日比赛临近尾声时,依靠和Alexander Helbig对抗时赢下的2000000筹码奖池才登顶,当时Alexander Helbig是筹码最多的选手。两位选手都有两对,Herold在河牌凑成更大的两对,赢下该局。

他们带着其他牌手奋力厮杀,没有人是老实待宰的羔羊。这对于一些成名选手来说是糟糕的一天,结束时他们的筹码低于平均筹码量,更有甚者直接被淘汰了。在领先阵营中的有Olivier Busquet(筹码736,000),Calvin Anderson(筹码561,000)以及EPT第七届塔林站冠军Kevin Stani(筹码862000)。盲注达到15000-30000,大家都希望能让筹码翻倍,好让自己离88万欧元的冠军奖金更近。

而且,他们不像很多败在第4比赛日的成名选手,他们至少还有一次机会。 Sandra Naujoks (54名), Ronny Voth (50名), Boris Becker (49名), Liv Boeree (48名), Aku Joentausta (31名), Bryn Kenney (30名) and Thang Duc Nguyen (23名) 这些好手都被淘汰了。
作者: 安豫    时间: 2015-5-29 01:35

A short five level day at EPT Berlin reduced a field of 55 to just 17 and German player Roman Herold leads the way with 4,485,000. He only ascended to the top of the pile at the very end of play when he won a huge 2,000,000 pot against Alexander Helbig, who was the chip leader at the time. Both players had two-pair, Herold rivered the better two-pair having been hitherto chasing the nut flush draw to go with his top pair.

They lead a chasing pack that includes, well no one of much note to be honest. It was a bad day for the established names as they either finished with a below average stack or were eliminated. In the former camp are Olivier Busquet (736,000), Calvin Anderson (561,000) and EPT7 Tallinn champion Kevin Stani (862,000). With blinds starting at 15,000 – 30,000 ante they aren’t in panic mode just yet but will be searching for an early double up in their quest for the first prize of €880,000.

And, at least they have a shot at it unlike many established names whose chances were reduced to dust on Day 4. Sandra Naujoks (54th), Ronny Voth (50th), Boris Becker (49th), Liv Boeree (48th), Aku Joentausta (31st), Bryn Kenney (30th) and Thang Duc Nguyen (23rd) were all eliminated.

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