她的保释金为5万美元,她也支付了。现在保姆已被释放。周五她被安排出庭,案件仍在审理。作者: alimoon 时间: 2015-5-19 16:17
这个是不道德的啊。。。作者: yaosine 时间: 2015-5-19 18:44
在美国,法律是很健全的,像郭美美之流早就给抓起来了作者: 1092427021 时间: 2015-5-19 22:18
老美对于孩子的看护还是很严格的,未成年没大人看护丢在家中是要被罚的,严重的会丢掉监护权。作者: chinadress123 时间: 2015-5-20 02:26
身为保姆,在工作期待跑去赌的确不对。作者: xytdw 时间: 2015-5-20 04:35
Babysitter Allegedly Left Kids At Home In Order To Gamble At Casino
This is something that has happened way too many times.
The McAlester News-Capital reported Thursday that a woman in Oklahoma, who was babysitting a 4-year-old girl and 2-year-old boy, has been accused of leaving the children at her home, and then going to gamble at a nearby casino.
Toni Webb, 38 years of age, was reportedly charged last week in Pittsburg County District Court with two counts of child neglect stemming from her alleged decision.
Opponents of casinos have long argued against the social ills. It’s unclear whether Webb has a gambling problem. She was reportedly found at the Choctaw casino by police on one occasion.
The McAlester News-Capital reported: According to court records, police received a report that Webb had left the children alone in her home on multiple occasions when she left the residence. On April 17, police went to Webb’s residence and “found a young girl holding a blanket standing near to the front door and a young boy in one of the bedrooms laying on the bed watching television,” a police affidavit states.
Her bail was set at $50,000, and she posted it. She was released. She was scheduled to appear in court on Friday. Her case is ongoing.作者: 912666345 时间: 2015-5-20 06:15
这才叫真正的不务正业,但这还有道理问题,这在中国也有发现!作者: longzhimeng 时间: 2015-5-20 07:44