2013年AGA“州中之州”报告将在今年5月出台,它将更详细说明博彩业是如何在2012年反弹到370亿美元的。作者: wjx003006 时间: 2015-7-4 04:59
Bloomberg: U.S. Casino Industry Takes In $37 Billion From Gamblers In 2012
Bloomberg reported Sunday that U.S. commercial casino revenue last year was $37 billion. The figure was based on the organization’s findings as well as data from the American Gaming Association, the casino industry’s top lobbying group on Capitol Hill.
That sum is below 2007’s peak of $37.5 billion.
The most recent tally, as of December 2011, has 445 commercial casinos in the country. However, some states, particularly in the eastern half of the country, have beefed up their gambling industry with new properties. It’s unclear exactly how many casinos exist in the United States at the present time.
A handful have recently popped up in Ohio, once one of the few states without any gambling facilities. Maryland, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, for example, are three states which are on the verge of big casino construction after their respective officials authorized more gaming.
Despite more casinos contributing to the figure, the $37 billion is definitely a sign that the industry is recovering from the effects of the Great Recession.
The 2013 AGA “State of the States” report is due out in May of this year, and in it should contain more details on how the industry rebounded to $37 billion in 2012.作者: ktnjb 时间: 2015-7-4 05:28
这个数字不准确的吧 不止这么多的哦作者: 黑巧克力 时间: 2015-7-4 08:16
这个数字真实不多 每年中国输出去的6000个亿哪里去了作者: 【Alex】 时间: 2015-7-4 10:18
赌久了下场都是一个字 输啊作者: websky20110101 时间: 2015-7-4 13:04
呵呵,中国人的钱都到外面去了啊作者: jz641268 时间: 2015-7-4 13:12
6000亿应该国内的小土庄,地下黑庄也黑了不少吧作者: vinchow 时间: 2015-7-4 15:32
中国的3700亿都不止 370亿太小儿科了作者: xdhcwl 时间: 2015-7-4 17:19
这个数字的意义是多大呀!作者: mhtq 时间: 2015-7-4 17:27
每次看到你i的名字都觉得很想笑,居然把小白兔和丧心病狂联系在一起作者: vidrxua 时间: 2015-7-4 18:32
这是很多人的一个最终的结果的作者: shbc2008 时间: 2015-7-4 19:51
这个数字真的好恐怖 赌徒好多啊作者: qtfe 时间: 2015-7-4 20:03
有没有统计赌徒们盈利了多少的作者: alksdj 时间: 2015-7-4 21:13